A Good Day to Blog

An image of a tree that's fallen on some power lines.

Seen on my run yesterday. Not the cause of *my* power outage, but I’m sure the cause of someone’s.

My internet’s been out for the past 36 hours. Except my phone, which doesn’t have enough bandwidth or data for me to do my day job. But you know what a phone connection is perfect for? Tethering to my computer and doing some blogging with. So here I am.

(My power was out for 12 hours on Wednesday morning as well, hence the sharing of the above image.)

I wrote a previous version of this post where I went into detail about the stressors in my life lately. But, honestly, I had a reaction of “I’m not sure I want to share all this” and “who would care to read about it in this much detail” while drafting it. So here we are, draft two: electric boogaloo.

I’m never sure what to do with days like this. I should probably clean my apartment. Despite some progress it’s still a mess and even though it’s already noon there’s still a lot of time left in the day. I’d work on editing the podcast, but pulling down everyone’s files is at least a few gigs and will be slow as molasses on this connection, so I kinda have to wait until everything’s back up. Or I could do some writing. Or some reading. I’ll probably do a combination of the four.

I did some thinking this morning about goals, and more importantly how I haven’t really set any concrete ones for the year. Or even the month. I’ve had a cascade of stress in my life since about the 2nd of the year, so I’m trying not to ride myself too hard about it. But I think it’d be good for me. At least it would be some prompting to stay a little more focused and get my butt in gear in a way that would make me happier.

I’ve also been thinking about how to organize things for the Castles and Crusades game I’m GMing for Primary Attribute (the podcast has a name!). It’s getting to be a little much to handle just out of one linearly-organized notebook. Especially for referencing character names and stuff like that. I thought about a wiki, or Scrivener, but I’ve been trying to avoid using my computer while we’re recording as the keyboard gets picked up by the mic and it’s a pain to edit out. Then again, page flips are also picked up by the mic. So it might be worth trying it out anyway. Even if I have an irrational fear that, like, touching the computer while recording will crash audacity and lose the recording. That probably won’t happen. Probably. >_>;;;

The other option I’ve considered is the Zettelkasten Method. The analog version, with index cards. I like working in analog for planning RPGs, as it helps me focus a lot and also makes the process more relaxing. But I’m not sure I could keep up such a complicated system for very long. Or if the time added to use such an organization system would be worth it in this case, especially since I’m likely to go back and change things (e.g. plot directions/possibilities) over time. If I could even use it efficiently during the game itself.

Something that, like goals, bears some further thinking on today, I think. Might as well take advantage of the unstructured time, right?

Okay, I should probably boogie on with my day. But it was nice to spend some time writing this, and hopefully you all get some joy and/or amusement out of reading it. Now I will go on to do other things. Though first, I have to get a sudden, unexpected guest, a noisy flying beetle, out of my apartment. Onwards to that.

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