Social Distancing and Me

The stem of a monstera plant tied to a stake that has been covered in moss held in by string and cheesecloth. Aerial roots are draped around the contraption.


So, this is fun. And by fun I mean pretty shitty.

“This” is, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic, sometimes known as coronavirus. Which is admittedly a much catchier name, if less accurate. And, what luck, I get to live in one of the major infection zones!

Things aren’t so bad for now, though there are definitely negatives. I have to work from home, which I dislike with a fiery passion. But I wasn’t wild about a lot of aspects of this job anyway, so that’s probably no surprise. I think I mostly an irritated that I have to make literal space for my dayjob in my home, and that I lose the light-duty social contact I got with my coworkers sometimes. By the time they kicked us out of the building, only three or four other people were still coming in on my team, out of about ten people still coming in on our floor of the office. So we were probably pretty safe anyway, but I understand wanting to practice an abundance of caution. Continue reading

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The Weekly Recap Re-Emerges From the Mist

A pair of screenshots from Broad City. A kid asks a woman how are you, she responds by asking how "am" I? with air-quotes around the am.

Feeling moody, because I’m a trash goblin and more importantly it’s Sunday and I overslept/generally stayed in bed too long. Which is like every Sunday, and a problem because if I’m not up and at ’em with my first alarm I feel pretty off for the rest of the day. Plus, I was super late to my writing group, mostly because of oversleeping but in part because Jabberwocky was laying with her chin on her food plate like “human, these greens are not fresh. What should you do about it?” So I had to feed her before I left. She went for the fresh stuff immediately, proving that she has discerning, if sometimes inscrutable, taste.

This last week has been good and bad, as weeks are prone to be. I got in a lot of exercise compared to most weeks, which is good! Even went running/walking yesterday, and weekend days are usually a gap in my schedule. I’ve also now been lifting weights long enough I’ve caught up to the “this is actually hard” and/or “I’m sore now” weights, which means I’m improving again.

I’ve been doing significantly better productivity-wise at work, too. Slight mental shift in wanting to do a better (aka adequate) job, plus being able to shift how I’m thinking about our (still terrible!) bonus system (~~see top image~~ just kidding I left it on my work computer). Oh, and keeping a running tab on paper of how many things I’ve each hour, which is a good way to know if I’m on pace or not.

My manager at work is also trying to help me move into a more tech-oriented position, which is grand. It was also surprisingly emotional for me, as this the first time I’ve had such a supportive boss since…ever? Yeah, ever. Lots of bosses want you to grow, very few will put in the effort to help it happen, in my experience.

The bad was mostly a pile of mixed successes. I lost a lot of evenings to playing Death Stranding, which is a rad af game but I’ve also put in like 35 hours in three weeks, which is probably Too Much Gaming given the other stuff I need to be doing. Which, sadly, is not playing Grumpy Norman Reedus: Post-apocalyptic Delivery Man Simulator 3000. Even if I’m discovering I want his job. Which is probably bad, given that his job is “haul dozens to hundred of pounds of stuff across a ruined USA where most everyone lives underground and pays you in Likes.”

Then again, it is a post-capitalism society… [1]

I also got knocked on the track of “I should get a dumbphone, cancel my internet line, and go back to fuckin’ DOS or something.” I think because I’m just not keeping up as well as I’d like with stuff, and my first instinct is to Blame the Internet. Though in this case it was mostly video games. Which weren’t on that list, but I don’t have the heart to throw my consoles into the ocean. Plus at least them I’m doing something, rather than just mindlessly scrolling on my phone. Think, if I had a dumbphone I could replace all that scrolling with taking 10x as long to send a text! Or I could read a book or something, I GUESS. A world of possibilities!

I’ve also been struggling with the SD card I ordered because I refuse to fully admit it’s probably just a lemon. Linux keeps chewing it up and spitting out input/output errors and making it a read-only filesystem when I try to copy a large amount of files onto it, until I reformat it. The FAT32 formatting probably isn’t doing it any favors, but it’s all I can use since I want to use it with Rockbox on my Sansa Clip+. I’m in the process of reformatting it on my Windows machine, in case there’s something Linux is doing in the reformat that isn’t fixing the problems its having, and try copying files from Windows then before I try with Linux. If it doesn’t work then then I’ll suck it up and order a new one. 256GB, someday you will be mine on a media player! This also might be a lesson in not ordering no-name SD cards from ebay, but why would I want to learn that lesson?

Last bad thing has just been not meeting goals. I’ve got Shivering Deeps to work on, and school (aaaaaAAAAAAAA), and coding, and learning Scottish Gaelic, and a million other things. So hopefully I’ll get more of that in this next week. I’ll have to do my best!

How were your weeks?



[1] As far as I can tell, Likes aren’t used in exchange for anything, just to rate your performance and make you feel good. And the “make you feel good” part is actively called out in the lore. It’s a weird game, y’all, and I love it to pieces.

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The Future (2020, at least)

A silly comic about Planning With Circles and Shit!

Ed note: It took a little longer than I expected to get to it, but here’s the post about looking towards the future, also known as 2020. Which is 1/12th done now, but hey, another month of existential dread wasn’t that different from all of 2019, so I’ll just count it as a 2019 bonus round so I’m not behind. 😛

To think about the future, I did what any good and right-thinking person would do. I stole my friend Marianne Kirby‘s brainstorming diagram, changed a couple of bubble titles, and filled it out. Marianne is wise, and it seemed like a good format. Even if my handwriting is illegible by comparison. I’m not going to republish it here because it’s been a minute since I wrote it and I’m betting there’s some too-personal stuff scattered in there, but each section below is a bubble. So here’s my brainstorming for 2020. Continue reading

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The Last Decade (2010-2019)

Allison Janey in 10 Things I Hate About You, asking "What's another word for 'engorged?'"

This is the only image in my google photos dated 2010. Honestly, accurate to my writing experience for the past decade. IT CAN STAY I’LL ALLOW IT.

*loud sobbing noises*

Okay, enough of that. Sort of. But that, in and of itself, is not a post.

Fun fact: 2010 – 2019 encompasses my age being 20-30, give or take. (I was 20 at the start of 2010 and hit 30 in the last months of 2019.) Which is convenient when it comes to thinking about decades. Benefits of being born in 1989, I guess. That, and my birth heralded the Berlin Wall coming down. That was totally all me, and not the result of a bunch of people resisting very hard and working together. Totally. Continue reading

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Looking Back on 2019

Image of the author with their iguana perched on their shoulder, giving the camera a suspicious glance.

Last selfie of 2019. I’m so happy Jabs looked at the camera.

Hey, it’s the new year! Goodie gee. I didn’t have work off between Christmas and New Year’s this year, which is a shame because that’s usually my self-reflection time and I like it. Or I get all weird during it. One of the two! So my planning for this next year has been a little late, and I’ve also missed out on the wave of posts about the last year and/or decade.

But being a little late doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it, and I thought it might be fun! So over the next few days (weeks? depends on my schedule) I wanted to do those things anyway. This post is just reflecting on the past year. The next one will be on the decade, which will be buck wild because I’ve changed a lot. Like people tend to do, but still. And then after I’ve done all that I’ll talk about my goals for this next year. Continue reading

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Brian Eno, Smart Person

I just wanted to post this quote that I saw over on Mastodon, because holy shit is it on point and it’s an interesting way to think about a lot of contemporary art. (Transcript below the image.)

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November Start!

A pumpkin that has been carved with a basic image of Isabelle from the Animal Crossing series, lit from within so the lines of the carving stand out against the dark.

My pumpkin!

Hey everyone.

It’s November! We’ve made it past Halloween, a very fun holiday that I do enjoy, but that seems to creep out further and further every year, like Christmas. Except unlike Christmas, it doesn’t have any major holidays to stop it from extending further and further up the calendar. So I look forward to the future where we have New Year’s Day on 1/1, Halloween 1/2 – 10/31, Christmas 11/1 – 12/30 (with a one-day break for Thanksgiving), and New Year’s Eve 12/31. It’ll be great. And by great I mean awful, but at least we’ll be able to get the trick-or-treat size Hershey bars pretty much all year.

I didn’t get up to much for Halloween myself. A datefriend invited me along to a pumpkin carving party last weekend, where I met neat fellow queers and carved a pumpkin of Isabelle from Animal Crossing, pictured above. Which I promptly forgot to light on the actual night of Halloween itself. >_< On the actual night, besides forgetting to light my pumpkin, I ate pumpkin pie and reese’s cups, watched the first episode of *Riverdale* (which already has me excited for how the writing is going to be, number of conflict threads and pacing-wise), and played Halloween games with my adorable *Animal Crossing: New Leaf* villagers. Including giving Antonio far too much candy, because he is my anteater boyfriend forever and also I kept running into him as I ran about my town. Continue reading

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Observations From the Field: Online Dating

Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadeplhia gesturing wildly in front of a wall covered in pieces of paper connected by red lines in classic "conspiracy board" style.

I hopefully come off slightly better than this. Hopefully.

I’ve been diving back into online dating a little more recently, and boy howdy there are some patterns. (Or I’m like John Forbes Nash Jr. or Charlie on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and seeing patterns where there are none. One of the two!) So here are some observations: Continue reading

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Climate Strike (Anticapitalist Remix) Days 2345678 and Denouement

An Animal Crossing: New Leaf player character sitting on a log looking at a bonfire during a peaceful night.

So! Last time I posted, I was talking about the Climate Strike I was engaging in, with the anti-capitalist twist that I tried to spend as little money as possible during the strike, to protest capitalism itself as well. How’d that go?

It actually went pretty well! I was able to keep the money coming out of my pocket to paying for a couple of medical things for my pets and myself, and some parking costs related to that. Other than that, IIRC, there might have been some auto-pay things that went off in the background, but that was it. I packed and brought my lunch to work every day, working off the food I’d already purchased. I made dinner for my Sunday night RPG group so we didn’t need to order takeout. I tried to limit my driving, so I could make sure my tank of gas lasted the whole week.

It gave me a lot to chew on! I think the hardest thing on a just-me level was keeping myself entertained, because I threw on the arbitrary restriction of not using Netflix and Youtube during the strike. Which led to me getting a little stir-crazy in the evenings, because it turns out even though I don’t like watching a lot of TV, it’s a good way for me to keep myself entertained during dinner (which I’m usually eating alone, so conversation’s out), and for kind of greasing the wheels between dinner and then doing something else afterwards. I did end up doing a good bit of extra reading, sleeping a little more, and getting back into Animal Crossing: New Leaf. So there were upsides! (Someday, Antonio the Anteater will date me, his mayor. Someday!)

The other big struggle was engaging in social stuff. In the United States especially, there’s a distinct lack of free Third Places. This is made even moreso if it’s going to be dark or cold, because that rules out places like parks. One could go to the library, I guess? At any rate, I ended up needing to skip both of my writing groups, though I offered my place as an alternative for one of them. No one took me up on my offer, but maybe next time! A whatever-the-fuck-I-am can dream. It definitely put into sharp relief how often I meet up with people at coffee shops and the like. I’d like to figure out a better solution besides inviting people over to my apartment. Partially because Magnolia is the equivalent of the surface of Mars to most Seattlites (😢), and partially because it’s nice to have a relatively neutral place to meet. Especially when dating, because no matter how sweet someone is if the first time I meet them I’m at their house, one-on-one, I’m going to spend a significant amount of my brain cycles wondering if I’m going to get pressured into something I don’t want, turned into a lampshade, or both. So far the worst that’s happened is a lot of awkward sitting around while the other person smoked pot. But still!

So I think figuring out the social-stuff-without-money bit is going to be the biggest takeaway. That, and the fact that it’s a relatively low effort to reward ratio to make sure to bring your own meals to work and such, and that’s an easy way to not contribute to capitalism and save a lot of money on convenience food. Groundbreaking, I know.

Overall, I hope I had some small impact. And it definitely taught me that minimally engaging in capitalism is actually a lot easier than it’s made out to be, assuming you allow yourself room for necessities like medical care and food. You should give it a shot! I bet you’ll do great. 😀

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Climate Strike (Anticapitalist Remix) Days 0 and 1

A picture from behind of the crowd at the Climate Strike in ballard.

What a rowdy bunch of protestors. (Pretty good by Ballard standards, honestly. And we were the last strike of the day on the West Coast!)

Hey everyone, it’s climate strike time! Or Earthstrike. Or whatever you want to call it.

Today was the big event in the United States, and lots of people walked out all over the country, from their jobs and their schools (it is a youth-led movement, after all) to protest the world’s inaction on climate change. Because fucking seriously, if we can go to the moon in under a decade we can probably get 80% of the way to fixing stuff as much as we’ll be able to in the next 5-10 years. If we have that long. FUN TIMES.


In addition to the marches today, a friend of mine, emsenn, also proposed an extension of the idea of a general strike. Since many people are striking for the whole week of the 20th to the 27th (when the rest of the world is doing their strike), this general strike would take place over the entire week. It’d be a strike from participating in capitalism. Not only walking out on jobs, but on the entire system. They outline their reasoning here.

Seemed like a good idea to me. So I figured I’ll give it a go and talk about how it ended up working out. I’m not going to be able to completely eliminate my participation in capitalism, but I’m planning on vastly minimizing it. It’ll be fun. Or interesting. Or I’ll fuck it up somehow. But it’s definitely worth trying. Continue reading

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