November Start!

A pumpkin that has been carved with a basic image of Isabelle from the Animal Crossing series, lit from within so the lines of the carving stand out against the dark.

My pumpkin!

Hey everyone.

It’s November! We’ve made it past Halloween, a very fun holiday that I do enjoy, but that seems to creep out further and further every year, like Christmas. Except unlike Christmas, it doesn’t have any major holidays to stop it from extending further and further up the calendar. So I look forward to the future where we have New Year’s Day on 1/1, Halloween 1/2 – 10/31, Christmas 11/1 – 12/30 (with a one-day break for Thanksgiving), and New Year’s Eve 12/31. It’ll be great. And by great I mean awful, but at least we’ll be able to get the trick-or-treat size Hershey bars pretty much all year.

I didn’t get up to much for Halloween myself. A datefriend invited me along to a pumpkin carving party last weekend, where I met neat fellow queers and carved a pumpkin of Isabelle from Animal Crossing, pictured above. Which I promptly forgot to light on the actual night of Halloween itself. >_< On the actual night, besides forgetting to light my pumpkin, I ate pumpkin pie and reese’s cups, watched the first episode of *Riverdale* (which already has me excited for how the writing is going to be, number of conflict threads and pacing-wise), and played Halloween games with my adorable *Animal Crossing: New Leaf* villagers. Including giving Antonio far too much candy, because he is my anteater boyfriend forever and also I kept running into him as I ran about my town.

November is looking to be an interesting month. I’m not doing NaNoWriMo, because I don’t need yet another novel (or most of a novel) slowly turning to dust in a corner of my hard drive. But! My buddy Jo Ladziński is doing NaNoPlotMo, National Novel Plotting Month, and using the month to outline their next novel. Which gave me an idea! I’m going to use November to finish my next draft of Shivering Deeps, which I’ve been shying away from doing and otherwise putting off FOREVER for no good reason. So you heard it here! Next draft will be done by the end of the 30th, come hell or high water.

That’ll be the draft I’ll hopefully be querying to agents, because dear god I need to move on to my next book at this point. I realize a lot of people take years and years to write a book, but I’m definitely hitting the limits of how much time I want to put into this one (at least before it’s deemed publishable), and there’s other stuff I want to write! So pushing through to get this one done is going to feel super rad! Hopefully!

I have some other goals for the month, like actually starting running again, stopping being late to work (it’s not a problem on work’s end, it just bugs me personally), and other stuff. But all in good time, friends.

What are you all getting up to this coming month? Doing NaNoWriMo? Any other goals? Masterful thanksgiving recipes that take 20 days to prepare? Or maybe a dark November ritual? Whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it! 🙂

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