Three Podcasts That Make Me Happy

Podcasts are great for a lot of things. For learning, for hearing news, for keeping up with your friends. These podcasts, though, are what I listen to when I need something to cheer me up. Learning optional.

My Brother, My Brother, and Me

I imagine just about everyone has heard about this by now, but if you haven’t: on this show brothers Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy give hilarious and dubiously-useful life advice to listeners that write into the show. The brothers have great chemistry, and are amazing at bouncing off each other and keeping the laughs going. I also greatly appreciate the level of meta humor. This show is mostly just silly fun, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

(And my favorite brother is Travis don’t @ me.)

The Polygon Show

The official weekly podcast of Polygon, this has news, lightning rounds of listener questions, longer discussions of user-submitted topics, and insight into what the hosts have been playing lately. Simone de Rochefort anchors the show, and is (usually) joined by Ashley Oh, Chelsea Stark, and Allegra Frank. I love the vibe of four friends talking about the topic of the week, laughing incredibly hard at each others’ jokes, and just generally having a good time. The level of amused skepticism towards any given person’s bonkers idea is also a joy, if only because everyone, every show, will have at least one bonkers idea and be lovingly teased for it. Or egged on. Or both.

(There’s both a video and audio version of this podcast. I think the video is nice but that you miss very little by rolling with the audio-only version.)

Ask a Clean Person

Have you ever wanted to know how to clean your disgusting hockey gear? How to get blood off your new sheets? What to do with a cockroach-infested microwave? Jolie Kerr and a rotating series of co-hosts (although Dave eventually takes the seat permanently) guide you through cleaning up the messiest, grossest, and generally most out there situations the world has to offer. Sure, you learn stuff, but you also get to hear Jolie nerd out about cleaning products, Dave advise literally the worst option in most cases (or just give up and say to throw it away), and be regaled with hilarious tales of the messes Jolie has helped clean up over the years. The fact that you’ll learn how to actually clean instead of just grabbing the bleach and hoping for the best is just a huge, huge bonus.


What podcasts do you all listen to when you need a pick me up?

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