Summer Projects

A close-up of a small succulent growing out of a glass pot.

They’ll grow! Like succulents! Listen, finding an image for this post was hard.

In theory, this list could be pretty much infinite, because I’m me and I always want to do more than I can. But I thought it’d be good to put some of my project ideas out into the world. Some of these are more like personal development goals, but they’re skill-building and have end points or at least successfully-taken-off points, so I’m listing them here, too.

Re-learn Japanese

My Japanese was never incredible, but I got to basic conversational level at one point and now it’s all rust. I miss practicing a foreign language, so I’m going to get back into it. I’m using the fluent forever guy’s method, which is outlined well enough in this old lifehacker post. Mostly because what I really need is vocabulary drilling, and some grammar refreshing. Plus, this is one of the few language learning methods I’ve found that’s compatible with “starting in the middle,” whereas something like Duolingo will either start me too early or I’ll have weird gaps because I don’t happen to remember themed word group x.

If I ever manage to nail down Japanese, learning French or Spanish or Polish or Gaelic would be fun. But one language at a time. 🙂

Finish My Python Book

One thing I realized over the start of my time at my new job is that this particular position needs to be a stop along the way rather than a final destination, and I need to get moving along sooner rather than later. I’d be happy enough to stay with the company, but I need to move into a position that pays more because I’ll be making juuuust enough to survive on, and it’d be good to have more of a cushion if I could manage it. So I’d like to finish what I started, vis a vis Python, and add a valuable new skill to my resume and stay in practice programming-wise.

More infosec learning will happen after this is done.


I just want to draw again. Get in the habit, and get better. I know, a shocking idea. Plus, it’s good to have at least one hobby you’ll always be not-great at, right? 😛

Make a Zine

As usual, I struggle with the “about what, though?” for this one. But I love the format, and I think it’d be a blast to do something so DIY. And with a tangible, physical result. I’m thinking I might just make it a mix of stuff without any one theme beyond “I thought this was interesting/fun/cute/etc. to write/draw/etc.” So basically this blog, but in a paper format and with more art.

Get The Shivering Deeps Query-Ready

I’ve made some good progress here due to erstwhile and wonderful beta readers, but now I need to get that feedback and the edits it’ll inspire worked into the manuscript. And I think at that point it will be time to try and query the thing. Hopefully someone likes it enough to take it.

I do have a couple beta readers still wrapping it up, though, so I have a bit of time to focus on these other projects. And definitely not the new novel I’m trying to hammer out. No. That would be wrong.

Get An Ancient Computer Up and Running

I found a very old Compaq on the giveaway curb are after my neighbors moved. It has a 66 Mhz intel processor, a built in CRT, and a 3.5″ floppy drive. I think it’d be fun to try and get this working again, using either a Windows 95 install or FreeDOS. Maybe OpenBSD. But any way I slice it, to have an ancient computer to play old games on and tinker with. I haven’t even tried powering it on yet, so this could either be a super-easy task of just dusting it off and hooking up a keyboard and mouse, or something involving taking it apart. We’ll see!

New Enclosures for the Lizards

The reptiles both have decent enclosures, but they could be better. In particular, Jabberwocky’s isn’t the greatest and I learned a lot of lessons from the first build I’d want to implement in a new one. Like proper insulation, and fitting all the heating methods inside the frame so that there’s nothing awkwardly stickng out the tops or sides. Oh, and waterproofing the platform wood, something I skipped the first time and am regretting as the one with the mister on it gets saggy and old.

Jerry’s will be more straightforward. I mostly just want to have him have an enclosure I can open from the front so he gets less spooked. Turns out tiny lizards don’t like it when things come at them from above! Who knew? He trusts me enough it’s not a huge problem, but still, quality of life upgrade for us both. (Moving the heat lamps out of the way every time I need to get in there suuuuuucks.)


I can already hear my friend Jill telling me this taxonomy has failed if I’m including a miscellaneous category. And she’s right! But there’s not a good place for the rest of this. So a smaller list:

  • Figure out a way to be happy with my phone/computer time, where it feels more properly balanced and fun.
  • Finish grad school XD
  • Fix the fiddly volume knob on my stereo
  • Finish cleaning up the upstairs part of my apartment and make that space a cool space to hang out
  • Get at least a little ahead of cleaning in general, develop some good habits

I was going to list working out, but honestly that’s mostly been a factor of new job stress and being sick. Silly body, doesn’t it know I need it to be immortal?


That’s it for now. It’s a lot, but I’m hoping if I give myself the span of the summer I’ll get most of it done. Not, like, learning all of Japanese or drawing, but the rest of it. We’ll see! I just want to not look back at the summer and go “damn, I meant to do those things!” But I’ll probably need to remember to be kind with myself, too, and give things time. That might be the most tricky thing on this list, honestly. But I’ll give it my best!

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